197 research outputs found

    Investigation of Anaerobic Digestion Alternatives for Henriksdal's WWTP

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    On the request of Dr Daniel Hellström (Stockholm Water AB), IEA was asked to perform a preliminary investigation of two alternatives for anaerobic digestion operation at Henriksdal’s WWTP in Stockholm, Sweden. The system should be analysed based on parallel or series operation of two existing AD reactors. Moreover, the input load should be based on the current situation and a future scenario (estimated 10 years ahead)

    The use of historical collections to estimate population trends: a case study using Swedish longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae)

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    Long term data to estimate population trends among species are generally lacking. However, Natural History Collections (NHCs) can provide such information, but may suffer from biases due to varying sampling effort. To analyze population trends and range-abundance dynamics of Swedish longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae), we used collections of 108 species stretching over 100 years. We controlled for varying sampling effort by using the total number of database records as a reference for non-red-listed species. Because the general frequency of red-listed species increased over time, a separate estimate of sampling effort was used for that group. We observed large interspecific variation in population changes, from declines of 60\% to several hundred percent increases. Most species showed stable or increasing ranges, whereas few seemed to decline in range. Among increasing species, rare species seemed to expand their range more than common species did, but this pattern was not observed in declining species. Historically, rare species did not seem to be at larger risk of local extinction, and population declines were mostly due to lower population density and not loss of sub-populations. We also evaluated the species' declines under IUCN red-list criterion A, and four currently not red-listed species meet the suggested threshold for Near Threatened (NT). The results also suggested that species' declines may be overlooked if estimated only from changes in species range

    Benchmarking Biological Nutrient Removal in Wastewater Treatment Plants:Influence of Mathematical Model Assumptions

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    This paper examines the effect of different model assumptions when describing biological nutrient removal (BNR) by the activated sludge models (ASM) 1, 2d & 3. The performance of a nitrogen removal (WWTP1) and a combined nitrogen and phosphorus removal (WWTP2) benchmark wastewater treatment plant was compared for a series of model assumptions. Three different model approaches describing BNR are considered. In the reference case, the original model implementations are used to simulate WWTP1 (ASM1 & 3) and WWTP2 (ASM2d). The second set of models includes a reactive settler, which extends the description of the non-reactive TSS sedimentation and transport in the reference case with the full set of ASM processes. Finally, the third set of models is based on including electron acceptor dependency of biomass decay rates for ASM1 (WWTP1) and ASM2d (WWTP2). The results show that incorporation of a reactive settler: (1) increases the hydrolysis of particulates; (2) increases the overall plant's denitrification efficiency by reducing the S(NOx) concentration at the bottom of the clarifier; (3) increases the oxidation of COD compounds; (4) increases X(OHO) and X(ANO) decay; and, finally, (5) increases the growth of X(PAO) and formation of X(PHA,Stor) for ASM2d, which has a major impact on the whole P removal system. Introduction of electron acceptor dependent decay leads to a substantial increase of the concentration of X(ANO), X(OHO) and X(PAO) in the bottom of the clarifier. The paper ends with a critical discussion of the influence of the different model assumptions, and emphasizes the need for a model user to understand the significant differences in simulation results that are obtained when applying different combinations of 'standard' models

    URWARE Wastewater Treatment Plant Models

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    In this document, a large number of mathematical models describing various physical, biological and chemical processes in a wastewater treatment plant are presented. In most cases, the models are fairly simple as they are inteded for steady-state simulations based on yearly averages of the influent wastewater charteristics. The combination of models forms a software tool namned URWARE (URban WAter REsearch model), which is a tool for substance flow analysis and energy calculations in wastewater treatment systems. All models are based on the MATLAB/Simulink platform. The different models can be combined in any fashion thereby creating various system structures that can be analysed and compared. The models keep track of numerous substances related to wastewater, such as organic substances, nutrients and to some extent heavy metals. Within all models the release of environmentally hazardous substances to water, soil and air are calculated. The results can be used as one (of many) information pathways for strategic decision making related to urban water systems. The individual models are described one by one and their behaviours are exemplified by simulation results. In many cases, comparisons with other available software models are given to validate (or at least make plausible) the results produced by the fairly simple URWARE models. Simulation results based on a combination of models into a complete wastewater treatment plant are also presented. However, details about the underlying theory and hypotheses on which the models are based cannot always be sufficiently described due to space limitations. Moreover, users should always be critical to any results predicted by models and not take them for granted simply because they have been calculated by a computer model. Knowledge about the real processes and comparisons with real data are imperative to evaluate whether the predicted results are reasonable or not. For the interested reader the complete source code to all models is included in an extensive appendix. A modelling task of this magnitude is never completed. The proposed models can always be further developed, improved and refined. Consequently, the models described in this document only represent the first version of the URWARE software. Many issues remain to be solved and further improvements to be done. However, it is the hope of the authors that the presented models are mature enough to be used, evaluated, modified and improved by other users outside the URWARE task group

    Catchment & sewer network simulation model to benchmark control strategies within urban wastewater systems

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    This paper aims at developing a benchmark simulation model to evaluate control strategies for the urban catchment and sewer network. Various modules describing wastewater generation in the catchment, its subsequent transport and storage in the sewer system are presented. Global/local overflow based evaluation criteria describing the cumulative and acute effects are presented. Simulation results show that the proposed set of models is capable of generating daily, weekly and seasonal variations as well as describing the effect of rain events on wastewater characteristics. Two sets of case studies explaining possible applications of the proposed model for evaluation of: 1) Control strategies; and, 2) System modifications, are provided. The proposed framework is specifically designed to allow for easy development and comparison of multiple control possibilities and integration with existing/standard wastewater treatment models (Activated Sludge Models) to finally promote integrated assessment of urban wastewater systems

    A plant-wide model describing GHG emissions and nutrient recovery options for water resource recovery facilities

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    Acord transformatiu CRUE-CSICAltres ajuts: Borja Solís is grateful for the PIF PhD grant funded by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.In this study, a plant-wide model describing the fate of C, N and P compounds, upgraded to account for (on-site/off-site) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, was implemented within the International Water Association (IWA) Benchmarking Simulation Model No. 2 (BSM2) framework. The proposed approach includes the main biological N2O production pathways and mechanistically describes CO2 (biogenic/non-biogenic) emissions in the activated sludge reactors as well as the biogas production (CO2/CH4) from the anaerobic digester. Indirect GHG emissions for power generation, chemical usage, effluent disposal and sludge storage and reuse are also included using static factors for CO2, CH4 and N2O. Global and individual mass balances were quantified to investigate the fluxes of the different components. Novel strategies, such as the combination of different cascade controllers in the biological reactors and struvite precipitation in the sludge line, were proposed in order to obtain high plant performance as well as nutrient recovery and mitigation of the GHG emissions in a plant-wide context. The implemented control strategies led to an overall more sustainable and efficient plant performance in terms of better effluent quality, reduced operational cost and lower GHG emissions. The lowest N2O and overall GHG emissions were achieved when ammonium and soluble nitrous oxide in the aerobic reactors were controlled and struvite was recovered in the reject water stream, achieving a reduction of 27% for N2O and 9% for total GHG, compared to the open loop configuration

    Towards a plant-wide Benchmark Simulation Model with simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal wastewater treatment processes.

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    It is more than 10 years since the publication of the Benchmark Simulation Model No 1 (BSM1) manual (Copp, 2002). The main objective of BSM1 was creating a platform for benchmarking carbon and nitrogen removal strategies in activated sludge systems. The initial platform evolved into BSM1_LT and BSM2, which allowed the evaluation of monitoring and plant-wide control strategies, respectively. The fact that the BSM platforms have resulted in 300+ publications demonstrates the interest for the tool within the scientific community. In this paper, an extension of the BSM2 is proposed. This extension aims at facilitating simultaneous carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus (P) removal process development and performance evaluation at a plant-wide level. The main motivation of the work is that numerous wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) pursue biological phosphorus removal as an alternative to chemical P removal based on precipitation using metal salts, such as Fe or Al. This paper identifies and discusses important issues that need to be addressed to upgrade the BSM2 to BSM2-P, for example: 1) new influent wastewater characteristics; 2) new (bio) chemical processes to account for; 3) modifications of the original BSM2 physical plant layout; 4) new/upgraded generic mathematical models; 5) model integration; 6) new control handles/sensors; and 7) new extended evaluation criteria. The paper covers and analyzes all these aspects in detail, identifying the main bottlenecks that need to be addressed and finally discusses the aspects where scientific consensus is required

    Modelling phosphorus (P), sulfur (S) and iron (Fe) interactions for dynamic simulations of anaerobic digestion processes

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    This paper proposes a series of extensions to functionally upgrade the IWA Anaerobic Digestion Model No. 1 (ADM1) to allow for plant-wide phosphorus (P) simulation. The close interplay between the P, sulfur (S) and iron (Fe) cycles requires a substantial (and unavoidable) increase in model complexity due to the involved three-phase physico-chemical and biological transformations. The ADM1 version, implemented in the plant-wide context provided by the Benchmark Simulation Model No. 2 (BSM2), is used as the basic platform (A0). Three different model extensions (A1, A2, A3) are implemented, simulated and evaluated. The first extension (A1) considers P transformations by accounting for the kinetic decay of polyphosphates (XPP) and potential uptake of volatile fatty acids (VFA) to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates (XPHA) by phosphorus accumulating organisms (XPAO). Two variant extensions (A2,1/A2,2) describe biological production of sulfides (SIS) by means of sulfate reducing bacteria (XSRB) utilising hydrogen only (autolithotrophically) or hydrogen plus organic acids (heterorganotrophically) as electron sources, respectively. These two approaches also consider a potential hydrogen sulfide (ZH2SĂž inhibition effect and stripping to the gas phase (GH2S). The third extension (A3) accounts for chemical iron (III) (SFe3Ăľ ) reduction to iron (II) (SFe2Ăľ ) using hydrogen (SH2 ) and sulfides (SIS) as electron donors. A set of pre/post interfaces between the Activated Sludge Model No. 2d (ASM2d) and ADM1 are furthermore proposed in order to allow for plant-wide (model-based) analysis and study of the interactions between the water and sludge lines. Simulation (A1 e A3) results show that the ratio between soluble/particulate P compounds strongly depends on the pH and cationic load, which determines the capacity to form (or not) precipitation products. Implementations A1 and A2,1/A2,2 lead to a reduction in the predicted methane/biogas production (and potential energy recovery) compared to reference ADM1 predictions (A0). This reduction is attributed to two factors: (1) loss of electron equivalents due to sulfate Ă°SSO4 Ăž reduction by XSRB and storage of XPHA by XPAO; and, (2) decrease of acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis due to ZH2S inhibition. Model A3 shows the potential for iron to remove free SIS (and consequently inhibition) and instead promote iron sulfide (XFeS) precipitation. It also educes the quantities of struvite (XMgNH4PO4) and calcium hosphate (XCa3Ă°PO4Ăž2) that are formed due to its higher affinity for phosphate anions. This study provides a detailed analysis of the different model assumptions, the effect that operational/design conditions have on the model predictions and the practical implications of the proposed model extensions in view of plant-wide modelling/development of resource recovery strategies
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